Dearest students, Highly esteemed parents and amiable staff of The 16 Plus School(Sixth form); From the desk of the Head of School, with deep love and fraternal commitment, I wish to felicitate with all of The 16 Plus family on the occasion of Christmas 2019 and New year 2020.
Christmas is significant to all humanity, irrespective of our religious leaning, because at Christmas, we celebrate God’s decision to change human history from a brutish reign to a reign of love; from the reign of war to the reign of peace. Christ comes to be the judge between the nations to re-establish the kingdom of peace, that is why the Prophet Isaiah in Chapter 2:4 announces that they shall beat their swords into plough shears and their spears into pruning hooks, nations shall not lift up sword against nations, neither shall they learn war anymore.
Christmas is the introduction of a new civilization of love and peace; I wish you this love and peace at every level of your existence-In your hearts, homes, places of work, and in your places of daily living.
Merry Christmas and a Prosperous New Year!